Basic MCF Vocabulary
Here is some basic vocabulary for
describing content. Though it is certainly possible for anyone to invent their
own vocabulary, it would be be highly preferred if we can all use the same terms
to refer to the same things. The MCF definitions of the units described on this
page will soon be found here.
As a convention, Categories (aka sets, types, classes) are
in the singular. So, the category of all people is called Person and of
all organizations is called Organization.
Also, as a convention,
categories start with a capital letter.
The identifier and names of
these categories are the same.
- SubjectCategory
The category of subjects. An example is the Arts
category in Yahoo! (whose idenitifer is
- SubjectCategorization
Categorizations such as Yahoo! or Excite. Note
that Yahoo! itself is not a SubjectCategory but a
SubjectCategorizationCategory. The relation between Yahoo! (Yahoo.mcf) and
Yahoo! Arts is the relation categorizationType.
- Content
Examples include this web page or the home page for Apple
Computer. Subtypes include Web Pages, Databases, etc.
- Organization
Examples include Apple Computer, United States and the
Peace Corps. Organizations are mutually disjoint with people.
Coming soon
: a list of kinds of organizations.
- Person
The category of people.
- AgentCategory
A supertype of both PersonCategory and
- NaturalLanguage
Examples include English, French, etc. Coming soon : a
more complete list of content categories.
- ContentGenre
subtypes include Poem, PersonalHomePage,
CorporateHomePage, Thesis. Note that each of these is a category.
soon : a more complete list of content categories.
- TableOfContents
Examples include the table of contents of a book or of
a website (such as ProjectX/FullApple.mcf).
As a convention, predicates start with a lower case letter.
The identifier and names of all predicates are the same.
- authorIndividual
The individual person(s) who is(are) the authors of
the content object. The entries are not names of the authors but references to
objects corresponding to the authors. The name, email address, etc. of the
author can be specified on this object.
- authorOrganization
The organization which is the author of the content
object. For example, Apple Computer is the authorOrganization of this page.
- author
The generalization of the previous 2 slots. The is a genlSlot
of both of them.
- name
The name of a thing. Names are represented using strings. Pretty
much anything, subject categories, people, organizations, content objects,
etc. can have a name.
- emailAddress
A string representing the email address of an agent.
- homePage
The url of the home page(s) of an agent.
- size
The size of a content object in bytes. Represented using an
- loadSize
The total number of bytes, including inline images, plugins,
etc. of a content object.
- firstPublicationDate
The date on which a content object was first
published. Dates are represented using strings. Dates follow the
month-day-year model, though the interface may present this anyhow. We will
soon have some scheme for allowing different syntaxes for dates.
- lastRevisionDate
The date on which the content object was last
- validUntilDate
The date until the information in this content object
is valid.
- versionNumber
The version number of this content object or subject
category. A string.
- description
A natural language string describing the object.
- subject
The subject categories that this content object falls under.
parent is a genlSlot of subject.
- publisher
The organization that is the publisher of the content
- editor
The person or organization that is the editor of the content
- language
The language (typically a natural language such as English or
French) in which the content is primarily encoded.
- toc
One or more tables of contents of which this content object is a
- tocOf
This slot is the inverse of toc. It typically appears in headers
of mcf files that are the tables of contents of web sites.
- siteHomePage
The home page for the site of which this content object
is a part.
- helpPage
The page at which help can be found regarding this content
- mirrors
Mirror urls for this content object. Urls are just strings and
need not be preceeded with # symbols.
- contentGenre
The kind of content that is this content object (poem,
personal home page, etc.) Of course, a content object can be both a poem and a
personal home page (though more likely, the home page includesContent
a poem.)
- linksTo
The content objects that a content object has hyperlinks to.
parent is a genlSlot of linksTo.
- includesContent
To be used when one content
object includes another (such as an HTML page including an image or a poem).
- categorizationType
The relation between a
subjectCategory (such as Yahoo! Arts) and the categorization family it belongs
to (such as Yahoo!).
- subTopic
A relational between two subject categories such as Yahoo
Arts and Yahoo Arts Museums which states that the later is a more specific
subject category of the former.
- objectIcon
An icon that can be used to represent the object. The value
is typically the object corresponding to a GIF or JPEG, but could also be a
platform specific encoding. Preferably, it will be one object with several
different encodings being available.